You can easily test a POP3 connection from the command line in order to rule out any connection errors. This is done using Telnet, which can be found from the command line in Windows or Linux.
You will need to know the name of the pop-server, username and password.
Running a POP3 test using Telnet on Windows 2000/XP/Vista
Go to Start (start button on the lower left of the desktop)
Choose Run
Type: cmd
This should bring up a DOS prompt. Once there, enter: telnet 110
Type: user
Type: pass yoursecretpassword
Type: list (Will present a numbered list over mails in mailbox)
Type: retr 1 (Will display e-mail number 1)
Exit session by entering: quit
Running a POP3 test using Linux Ubuntu
Start a terminal session and enter: telnet 110
Type: user
Type: pass yoursecretpassword
Type: list (Will present a numbered list over mails in mailbox)
Type: retr 1 (Will display e-mail number 1)
Exit session by entering: quit