Prep-ing the ground ready for planting. I found where some of the lady birds are. It's not easy to see - they are all huddled together. One more rake over to remove the last of the weeds and we will be ready to plant.
Some of the veg we had for lunch was from the harvest from last year.
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There are about 6 ladybirds huddled together in this curled up leaf
You can see one of them if you look closer. They will do a good job once the veg is growing.
You may be able to zoom in and see all of them
These will very tasty in a crumble.
Looks better after a good weed
This is what is looks like now. Will be very different in a few weeks
Ah, another batch of rhubarb. Planted this one last year and is already taking off. We planted another crown next to this one a few weeks ago. Will add mass to the group; team work.
This will look really good in a few weeks
Spinich and asparagus
This is going to be a a new raised salad bed. One of my fences blew down during the winter. This is going to be used to make the frame.